Sunday, November 30, 2008

Team Building

Vor eiginen Wochen bin ich zu einem Dorf in Rheingau mit meinen Kollegen gefahren, um einen "Team-Building" Tag zu verleben. Wir sollten etwas über "Stress-Management" lernen. Das war eine tolle Idee, aber vielleicht haben die Italiener und die Spanier nicht alles so gut verstanden.

Zuerst soll ich sagen, dass mehr als 50% von uns aus Italien oder aus Spanien kommen. Es gibt auch vier "Antonio". Es macht einer Mehrheit von uns. Für uns war das "Stress-Management" nicht so wichting und deshalb haben wir kein Wort notiert. Einer Kollege aus Österreich hat trozt so viel geschrieben... Alle waren der Meinung, dass unsere Leiterin nicht so viel getan hat und dass sie zu viel verdient hat, aber das war nicht unsere Entscheidung. Diese Leute wird reich wegen Institutionen wie die EZB.

Unser Hotel hatte ein Sauna und manche möchten dort gehen, obwohl es geschlossen war. Das Hotel sollte uns hinein kommen lassen oder wir würden die Zinsen erhöhen, haben manche gesagt. Das war toll aber endlich waren wir ungehört. Abends habe ich Darts mit Antonio Colangelo und Pep angefangen, zu spielen und danach sind fast alle die Kollegen auch gekommen. Unser Chef Jean-Marc hat uns gesiegt, aber das war das Beste zu machen, glaub mir! Endlich bin ich gegen 1 morgen ins Bett gegangen...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

First snow of the season

Yeah, the weather forecasts could not be so wrong and this evening I have witnessed the first snow of the winter season 2008-2009 in Frankfurt.

On Saturday I went to the football stadium to watch the game Eintracht-Hannover 96 and I really enjoyed it: Eintrach won 4-0, playing quite a good football. However, despite my North-Pole clothes (two pairs of socks, shoes, underwear, cycling pants, trousers, T-shirt, shirt, sweater, coat, gloves, scarf, cap), I almost freezed there up there. However, it did not snow. Well, it did not snow that much, because in the first half some small white things were falling from the sky. Anyway, the views from my seat were great, as one could see the Frankfurt skyline if the game was too bored (unfortunately, as I have pointed out several times in this blog, the camera in my mobile phone is not very good indeed).

However, the big snow was forecasted for this evening and it was here just in time. These two pictures are taken from the window in my living room. Passers-by might have thought something like "who's that geek taking pictures of the snow? is it the first time in his life he sees snow?". I do not mind that much, I just wanted to have something to feed up my blog and here it is:

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Juego visual

Una amiga mía (no creo tener su permiso para poner su nombre) ha estado hace unos días en Florida de vacaciones y me ha enviado esta foto. El juego consiste en encontrar un caimán y un pájaro. No prometo ningún premio pero al menos es un cierto descanso tras algunas entradas muy densas y profundas.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Qui sont les vrai pirates?

Aujourd'hui les journaux télévisés ont mentioné la séquestration d'un pétrolier dans les aux de la Somalie. Il semble que des pirates somaliens sont responsables de ce fait dans les eaux du Océan Indique. Ce n'est pas la première fois et peut-être qu'il ne soit pas la dernière.

Mais ce que je me demande est qui sont les vrais pirates? Les hommes qui sont à bord du pétrolier ou les avocats londoniens qui les répresent en les negotiations pour le libérer? Comment est possible que des pirates somaliens (qui n'habitent pas dans notre societé occidental et ne conaissent pas notre lois) ont des avocats? Pour moi la réponse est claire: certains pirates sont encore dans la mer mais des autres travaillent avec des costumes sur mesure dans les bureaux.

Friday, November 14, 2008

London (again)

Yes, for the second time in two weeks, I had to go to London for working purposes. But being in London is always a pleasure, one can always find something enjoyable and this time was not an exception. What is more, it did not snow as in my previous two times there and this really helped me a lot.

My hotel was quite close to the British Museum and I had to pay a visit there, I was forced to it, I just could not help it. Last time I was in the British Museum, it was snowing and the olympic torch was coming in front of it, with hundreds of demostrators shouting in favour of Tibet. This time, however, everything was quieter. The Bristish Museum (despite the lie in its name) is amazing: in two minutes, one can change culture without even realising it. It is certainly one of my favourite places in London.

These days the whole country was remembering the fallen soldiers in the Remembrance Day and many people were wearing a red ribbon on their chest. It is quite a remarkable initiative, which aims not to forget those who gave their life serving their country, regardless the sense of the war they were involved in. Here lays the most significant of their sacrifice: they were soldiers and they could not go back just because they did not share the opinion of their government.

The public transport in London is supposed to be one of the best in the world. However, I had strange experiences in it in just five days. First, I took an empty bus in the area of Canary Wharf and for several stops nobody came in. When I left it, in front of Canary Wharf underground station, I had not seen any human being for quite a long time. On the other hand, one evening, the underground station of Holborn was closed just because there were too many people inside waiting for the trains. Do you see? In the same context, we have solitude and crowds. It can only happen in London.

Finally, during my work there I met the CEO of an international organisation and he was some kind of weirdo. While seated in the meeting, he was silent playing with his Blackberry (should I write it with capital "B"?). But suddenly, he just stood up and leant against a wall, making some noises with coins... It is unbelievable, believe me. He was like a character from "The Sopranos" or like the bad guy in films like Seven.

Finally, as I do not know when I will back in London again, let me post a nice picture I took on Sunday morning.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Riunioni di lavoro

Oggi sono stato in una riunione di lavoro e veramente ogni volta sono più convinto che non servono a niente. Ho passato due ore con i miei colleghi parlando e non abbiamo deciso niente: venti persone non hanno fatto niente in due ore perchè ci trovavano in riunione! Non va male come perdita di produtivittà, vero?

Anche mi colpisce molto come i miei colleghi vengono con tasse di caffé, acqua,... come si andassero alla guerra. Alcuni anche escono della camera, tranquillamente senza fretta, per prendere più bevande o semplicemente perchè sono stanchi. C'è qui quando s'annoia parla con il collega alla sua destra o sinistra, dimenticando totalemente il resto della riunoni.

Questo mi sembra non molto elegante e non riesco a non sorprendermi con comportamenti come questi. Forse io sono diverso a tutto il mundo ma qualcun'altro non trova anche che le riunioni di lavoro sono molto inefficienti?