Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy to be Spaniard

Today is one of these days when I feel proud of being Spaniard. Let me explain why. I have been calculating my yearly tax and the final result says that I must be paid a significant amount of money, enough to finance my holidays. After two evenings, finally the outcome was worth the effort. Wow, there is nothing better for my patriotism that taxes, je, je, je.

I also feel happy to be Spaniard when our national basketball team plays, but for this to happen, we must wait until Olympic Games in August.

Somebody decided last night that I should be proud of be Spaniard for other reasons, especially for the way we deal with terrorism. But, quoting our former Prime Minister Felipe González, a gang of terrorist does not decide my agenda. Therefore, today I wanted to write about taxes and that is what I have done.

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