Yeah, finally I have managed to get an Internet connection. It has not been easy and finally I have decided myself for the person who best understood me and who more time devoted to me. O2 in Zeil and Deutsche Telekom near Rossmarkt were not interested at all in having me as a customer and their employees could not go beyond monosyllables. I am not interested only in getting the lowest price, but also in the way I am treated, and here Deutsche Telekom in Sachsenhausen wins by a remarkable difference.
I am in the middle of my second week in Frankfurt and it is about time for an update here. Step by step I am getting used to this new life and let me tell you that officially I do live in Frankfurt since Wednesday, when I registered myself in the Town Hall. Therefore, the number of inhabitants of Frankfurt increased at least by one that day.
I would like to highlight that Germans are crazy with national football team (die Mannschaft). On Sunday the city centre was full of people dressed in the national colours, even five hours before the match and afterwards, after a victory over Poland (not a big team in football terms), they were shouting as if they had won something. Needless to say, it was impossible to watch on a TV something different (Formula 1, for example) than the previous hours to the "big match".

Frankfurt is really a flat city when compared with Guadalajara. It has no hills at all. Well, it has some in Sachsenhausen but I just try to stay far from them. I have bought two second-hand (or third or forth or tenth) bycicles in some kind of "Flohmarkt" (it was quite tough not to be cheated by sellers and to understand so many different accents in German). I have gone out twice and I do not get tired: the maximum uphill trip has less than 50 metres... I must further investigate some routes, because cycling here is a pleasure (if weather accompanies, which is the case right now).
Yesterday se had some kind of corporate race near my job. It was amazing how many employees were taking part (voluntarily or compulsorily) in this race (newspapers claimed that 73.000). I cannot imagine such an event in Spain, it is something we cannot import from Germany. I wonder who won but I am sure that there was a policeman close to him because the city centre was invaded by the police.
Close to my house, in the nearby park, lives a beggar and it seems people give him food and even some money. He must be some kind of symbol for the neighbourhood. I still have not spoken a work with him (let's assume that I have hardly interacted with locals or any other people, I think the person with whom I have interchanged more words is my bank advisor, Sonja) but now he has turned into some kind of symbol of my life here in Frankfurt.