Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Under the sun and the heavy rain

Well, here am I in my new city, where I will work in the next ten months. Today is my first day at work but as my boss is out of the office, I do not have much (anything) to do. It seems that yesterday there was a big party for the 10th anniversary of the ECB, with significant politicians, economists and so on coming, but unfortunately I was just flying to Frankfurt and I could not attend the event.

In the plane, I was seated just closed to the former Ministry of Finance and former Chairman of the IMF (International Monetary Fund), Mr. Rato. It was quite funny, although we did not talk at all. He looked like older and fatter than in the media. You should have seen his face when I asked the stewardess to read El País (Mr. Rato is a right-wing politician while El País is a left-wing newspaper).

First thing that shook me was the weather. It was extremely hot. I know I am a Spaniard and I should be used to it, but believe me, hot weather in Germany is far different (and worse). I sweated a lot while doing the first buys here. Then, in the evening, I decided to go for a short walk to the city centre and it started to rain cats and dogs. I have to wait 30 minutes in a shop for the rain to stop. Meteorologically speaking, it was a weird start.

But my apartment is amazing; I love it (although some minor issues to be solved or better understood, such as garbage). I must prepare some pictures for my landlords and I will upload them in the blog too.

Working environment is also different here in Frankfurt. I do not know how to express it, but it is not the same. I hope I can get used to it, but the Intranet alone seems too heavy for me! Let’s see if I can cope with it and also with live in Germany. The next exciting event is buying a mobile phone, an extremely challenging experience in Spain, so just imagine it in Germany, where all the information will be displayed in German! I cannot say I am looking forward to it.


Chewie said...

Antonio, how dare you to ask for El País flying in First Class???
A bit ironic, but still possible with this new well-off trendy lefty class...
All the best to you.

Un fuerte abrazo del wookie.

Anonymous said...

saludos a Mr Rato, me lo imagino aterrorizado por tu barba palestina.
Respecto al movil, es facil, compra el mas caro!!!!!!