Sunday, September 28, 2008

Amidst the fog

First of all, I must write it, I cannot keep it to myself. I have just seen "Star Wars Episode III: Sith's revenge" and I am totally shocked for the tragic destiny of Anakin Skywalker. What a sad end!

Now, coming back to the title of this post, on Saturday I spent most of the day in Marburg, a cosy university city just 90 kilometres north of Frankfurt. It has a very nice and well preserved historic centre, where I would highlight the town hall overall. In any case, as in most German cities, one is never sure whether these buildings are really coming from the Middle Age or whether they were rebuilt after the Second World War.I am not sure, but it seems that Saint Elizabeth was coming also from Marburg. At least, she has a cathedral with her name, she is present in the symbol of the town and everybody seems to look for her protection. According to what I read, she was a former Queen of Hessen in the Middle Ages, coming from Hungary. It is not much and I am not even sure about its accuracy, but I could not get more information. In any case, her cathedral is quite nice (not the best cathedral ever, to that group belong Vienna's, Strasbourg's and Cologne's, amongst others), with a very remarkable higher chore.

After having wandered from its city centre, I must admit that Marburg is the dirtiest German city I have visited this year. I think it is due to its university population, but it is really remarkable. It is the only city where I have signs inviting inhabitants to use the dustbins and lots of graffitis in historic buildings. Nevertheless, even the dirtiest German city is far much cleaner than the cleanest Spanish city, believe me (and I would better not compare it with Guadajara, my home town).

Marburg welcomed me with a intense fog, which did not allow me to see it as I was approaching with the train. When I was getting to the top part of the city through its narrow streets, where the castle remains, I could get some amazing pictures of the roofs arising amidst the fog. The castle itself is not especially beautiful, but the views from the gardens at its side are really the best that Marburg can offer to the tourist.

In conclusion, Marburg is not a top destination and it does not have any world-class attraction, but it can guarantee a very nice day for any person interested in getting lost in its narrow streets.

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