Sunday, January 25, 2009

Second time in Bonn

Last Saturday I went for the second time to Bonn, the former capital of West Germany. In both cases, my friend Alina was involved in the visit: the first time we went together with our teammates from Düsseldorf and on Saturday we just met as she is living in Bonn and I in Frankfurt.

During my stay in Bonn, no longer than seven hours, I had two important problems with the transport system (VRS in its acronym in German). Firstly, I bought the wrong ticket from the trip from the ICE train station to the city centre, but as the train was leaving I decided to take the risk. After all, they do not check the tickets so often in Germany. Well, yeah, you are right. Just in the station before mine and two seconds after I had said to myself that I was saved, two men came to my wagon and identified themselves as employees of the VRS. Luckily, the first two men they approached did not have a valid ticket and did not even have money to pay the fine, what kept them busy until my station arrived. At that point in time, I left the train as if nothing had happened but with my heart strongly beating in my chest. Then, some hours later, when I was buying the ticket back to the ICE train station, I had some problems with the machine as it did not accepted by 10 cents coins. And every time I cancelled the purchase, I got a 2 euros coin. And it happens three times...! Amazing, I even managed to earn some money while in Bonn!

I must admit that this time I was not so delighted by Bonn as some years ago. In fact, the historical centre is rather small and one can walk through the whole of it in less than an hour. The distances between the Rhein, the town hall, the university and the cathedral (the four main places to see in the city centre) are easily affordable on foot. In any case, what I like a lot from Bonn is its flag: quite similar to the Spanish one, je, je, je.Alina lives actually in Bad Godesberg, which is the former diplomatic neighbourhood. It still has a number of consulates and a significant amount of remarkable villas. Definitively, nothing to do with Bonn itself and one of the places in Germany I would not mind to live in. I should have taken any pictures of them, because this place is really, really beautiful.

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