Well, a few days ago, it was September 11th, again. From 2001 on, this is not a normal day, because it cannot be. Everybody remembers what he/she was doing that day and I'm not an exception. It was my last but one day in Exxon-Mobil. After lunch, in my way to an evening curse, I was in a bus and I heard somebody in the radio asking an architect about what could happen in a skyscraper after a plane crash. I could not understantd that question since I was out of context.

Five years have passed and I think we are approaching the day when we could deeply analyze what happened that day. First of all, I must state I cannot believe the only thing the most powerful nation could do was sending firemen and policemen upstairs, taking them to death, a hero’s death but death, alter all. George Bush was petrified. The country was being attacked and the person in charge was unable of taking any decision. Reading a tale in a school was not what the country (and the world) was expecting from its president. Regardless their success, at least he should have decided something. For some hours, the country was somehow decapitated. The army could have helped in evacuation of the towers with helicopters. Maybe the conditions were too dangerous for a civil pilot, but not for an army one. Green berets or whatever troops should have helped in such a critic situation. It wasn’t an instant attack (such as subsequent attacks in Bali or in Madrid): there was enough time as to have tried something before the towers collapsed.
Steps taken by USA after 11s have shown their lack of sensitivity when dealing with foreign affairs. They are too far away from the problems as to understand them. Iraq was not an enemy these days, since Saddam Hussein learnt the lesson after the first Gulf war. What Middle East needed was peace, in order to isolate the fundamentalism, when what USA has brought is never-ending and indiscriminated violence, which continuously feeds fundamentalism.
Everybody said after 11s that the world was going to change. I haven’t noticed such changes. Here in Spain, politics are corrupted by power, only goal politicians look for is power and they know no ethics at all. I guess situation in the USA is similar. No, that day didn’t change humanity, changed life of innocent human beings but not humanity.
Lastly, I would like to write something about the victims, innocents whose only sin was being working, trying to get a better life for them and their families. My deepest concern to their families and beloved.
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