First of all, I must admit that I cannot speak much words in Catalan and I do not feel very proud of it. I can understand when someone talks to me in Catalan (needless to say, if the subject of the conversation is not too complicated) but when it is my turn... Nothing comes out of my mouth, because I mix Catalan with Italian (un'altra volta, for example).

The temple Sagrada Familia must be commented in a separate paragraph. It is beautiful in the part finished by Gaudí (Natividad side) but the other one seems too different, it seems more the work of another architect. Entrace costs 8 euros, which are used in the construction of the cathedral, but I do not see them spent efficiently, since there is still a lot, a lot and a lot of work to do. Maybe someone heard that building a cathedral in the Middle Age took 400 years and he is trying to beat this record. But, in general terms, Sagrada Familia is remarkable.

I ate calçots in a barbaque for the first time in my life. They tasted great, it is unbelievable that something so tasty can be obtained from roasted small onions. The only drawback is my low speed eating them. In the time I had had 4, Natalia ate 13 and Félix went over the 20. I need some more training.
The weather did not behave properly and therefore I could not enjoy very much the whole trip. Besides, the cathedral and Montjuic stadium were covered by scaffoldings, but overall, I have enjoyed Barcelona very much. I prefer it to Madrid (upps): it is more opened, it has the sea, it is not so aggressive and so on. Maybe all of it arises since I work in Madrid and I am on holidays in Barcelona. It could be...
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