Monday, April 21, 2008

Update on Asterix

Some days ago I was in Frankfurt and, as usual when I am abroad, I bought an Asterix comic. But this time, I bought one that I already have! It seems I am losing control of my collection of Asterix books. Therefore, an update on it is urgently required and here it comes (with original titles in French):
  1. Astérix le gaulois - Guadalajara - 2005 - Spanish
  2. La serpe d'or - Paris - 2004 - French
  3. Astérix et les goths - Frankfurt - 2004 - German
  4. Le tour de gaule d'Astérix - Munich - 2006 - German
  5. Le combat des chefs - Brussels - French
  6. Astérix chez les bretons - Paris - 2007 - French
  7. Astérix et les normands - Vienna - 2004 - German
  8. Astérix légionnaire - Frankfurt - 2007 - Dialect from Hesse
  9. Astérix légionnaire - Frankfurt - 2008 - German
  10. Astérix au Jeux Olympiques - Milano - 2007 - Italian
  11. La zizanie - Vienna - 2006 - German (from Gloria)
  12. Astérix chez les helvètes - Basel - 2005 - German
  13. Le domaine des dieux - Frankfurt - 2005 - German
  14. Les lauriers de César - Frankfurt - 2007 - German
  15. Astérix en Corse - Strasbourg - 2005 - French
  16. Obélix et compagnie - Vienna - 2005 - German
  17. Astérix chez les belges - Brussels - 2007 - Dutch
  18. L'odyssée d'Astérix - Brussels - 2007 - French
  19. Le fils d'Astérix - Barcelona - 2007 - Catalan
  20. Astérix chez Rahäzade - London - 2008 - English
  21. La rose et le glaive - Dresden - 2003 - Dialect from Sachsen (from Gloria)
  22. La galère d'Obélix - London - 2006 - English
  23. Astérix et Latraviata - Madrid - 2004 - Spanish
  24. Astérix et la rentrée gauloise - Lisbon - 2005 - Portuguese
  25. Le ciel lui tombe sur la tête - Brussels - 2005 - French
  26. Comment Obélix est tombé dans la marmite du Druide quand il était petit - Madrid - 2004 - Spanish
Wow, it seems that in the last four years I have visited a number of places (and I could not buy an Asterix book in some other like Helsinki or Porto). Needless to say, further contributions to the collection are welcomed.

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