Monday, June 08, 2009

Politicians across Europe

During the last days, we have witnessed several scandals in different European countries, which have allowed us to better understand the differences among us. And today, just for once in a lifetime, politics is going to be the topic of my post.

Firstly, we had the scandal in Italy concerning the private life of its Prime Minister, Mr. Berlusconi, including pictures of his summer villa close to the beach. There are powerful men and beautiful and young women involved. Therefore, one does not need to be Sherlock Holmes to guess that something not very correct from an ethical point of view goes on in this villa. What has happened as a result? Nothing, Mr. Berlusconi won the European elections yesterday and he is not devoting a single second of his life to the idea of resign.

One of the powerful men in those pictures turned out to be the Czech Prime Minister, Mr. Topolanek, who was naked in one of the pictures. What has he done? Disappear from politics and from public life? Apologize for such a behaviour, against his "strong" Catholic ideas? No, he has said that everything is a socialist plot against him.

Then, we have the scandal in the British Parliament regarding the "justified" expenses claimed by some MPs. Some of the expenses were just too much and they signal a mean behaviour of the ones after them. But six ministers have resigned, a large number of MPs and even the Speaker of the House of Commons of the Parliament.
I am not asking you to compare the behaviour of the politicians involved in these three cases, but just to compare the consequences... Not everybody has a Parliament working since the XVII century...

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