Sunday, January 09, 2011

Germany under the water

It was rather obvious, sooner or later, it had to happen. After the strong snowfalls before Christmas, which put all the country under the snow, the high temperatures we have had these days have melted the snow and some rivers in Germany are reaching very high levels (up to 9 metres in Cologne!). The largest difficulties seem to be located in Mainz (where Main meets the Rhine), Koblenz (where Mosel meets the Rhine) and along the Mosel Valley. Cologne is also looking at river Rhine with fear...

Frankfurt, although not under these severe problems, is not free from high waters either. These pictures have been taken today in the afternoon. In the one below, all I can say is that I am happy for not having decided to lock my bycicle under the Eisener Steg:Here, on the left part of the river, where we only see water, we should also see a big promenade, which is now under the control of ducks, swams and similar birds:Anyway, beyond these anecdotic pictures, leet's hope the situation gets solved soon and the rivers fall again under control.

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