First of all, as Saskia knows, I must admit I would not be a Jedi Knight, but a Lord Sith, given my wickedness (not necessarily hidden behind a helmet as Darth Vader or behind tons of make-up as Darth Maul). Leaving aside this small remark, I would like this list to be my personal tribute to Star Wars, in its 30th anniversary.
In Episode I, unless I am mistaken, it is said that a "Jedi Knight is not allowed to love". That is the main reason why I would belong to the Dark Side. But there some others, since in the Dark Side you can use your lightsabre irresponsibly, for your own purposes. I would definitively take it to work, and I would let it solve some working problems with some not-very-nice colleagues, je, je, je. Needless to say, in the international meetings I take part to, it would be extremely useful, in order to defeat my enemies, together with Saskia.
Being strong in the Force means also that you can move objects with your mind. This is quite comfortable, because you do not have to stand up, in case you are watching TV, to prepare some snacks or something to drink and you can even change channel automatically. Moving objects with the mind must be really cool indeed. Imagine how I would solve the usual traffic jam I face every morning in my way to work: cars flying everywhere! About doors, well, I am pretty sure I would not touch a single door in my life for opening it, let's better use the Force.
Finally, I fully understand Anakin in his change to the Dark Side for love. I would have done the same, with a lot more of rage and anger, because the beloved person, wherever she is and whatever she does, deserves the very best of us, and leaving the Jedi Order is nothing compared to the time spent with her.
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