Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Snow at Easter

I have spent Easter in Ablanque, the village of my mother. At the beginning, everything was wonderful because the weather was really nice, despite what was announced in the weather forecasts on TV. But, on Friday, suddenly, everything changed and we had two days of snow, wind, cold,... It was just like being in Siberia!
Leaving aside the Siberian weather conditions, the stay was nice, although I visited the toilet too much for my liking (if you know what I mean). I met some friends, who as time goes by has become very good friends: Mr. Planchi, Mr. Gelo, Mr. Álex, Mr. Félix and Natalia. We call each other "Mr." like in Reservoir Dogs, and we love it! With the other people, the relation has decreased in the last years and now we are together in the group but it is not the same. Once one has our age, life takes each of us through a different path and contacts are harder to keep.

What have I done these days? Well, I have played cards (mus, of course), I have played NBA2k8 with PS2, I have played GuitarHero2 with PS2, I have felt the frozen air on my face, I have forgotten about the daily routine, I have brought wood to our heater, I have slept in my amazing and huge bed,... It's been wonderful; I want more of it!

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