Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Queueing in Brussels

Today I woke up at home in Frankfurt but instead of going to the office on foot, I took a taxi and went to the airport. No, no, I have not gone nuts; I had a meeting in Brussels to attend and I did not have time to travel yesterday evening. That is the reason why I was travelling on the same morning, something very risky (airports and delays are two words which always go together) and that I do not like so much.

I thought that the airport should be very quiet at 7am, so I just went few minutes before my boarding time. What I found there (still with the eyes half-closed) was the first queue of the day: in the security check. I was somehow surrounded by South Africans and, for strange reasons (well, I have some appreciation for the country since my stay there in summer 2009), I was not so upset, but, believe me, it was a big queue.

There were some problems at the airport and our plane was delayed: we were queueing again to take off from Frankfurt airport. Then, once landed in Brussels, there was a huge queue for getting a taxi in the airport. This time the queue was so long that I gave up and I decided to take the train. But life is not perfect, and I also had quite a long queue for buying the train tickets. This time no South African was in sight, so I was rather bored (and angry).

After the meeting (do not forget it, the main reason for visiting Brussels), as I had enough time, I decided to take the train to the airport. This time the queue for the ticket was not such: I only had two people in front of me. But, on the other hand, I had to wait 30 minutes for the train to come. At the airport, a fantastic place for queueing, I had to go through three queues: to go to the boarding area of the airport, in the security control and when boarding the plane.

So, with all I have written so far, it is easy to guess how I feel today: up to here of queueing!!!

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