Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hectic days

These days are being quite hectic (I prefer this word rather than "busy", it sound more German) and I can hardly find time to write something here. I do not have much time for a break at work, where I failed in a promotion and currently I am feeling a bit disappointed: it seems that no matters how hard I work, I will get the same as the others in terms of promotion: nothing. Only time matters here. That does not help very much indeed.

Last week I was in a stag party in Santiago de Compostela and this weekend I am going to the wedding, to Ávila. It means that I must still organise some logistic issues (train ticket, Friday dinner, presents,...).

Then, I am considering the idea of what to do with my life in the short-term: apply for a job abroad?, leave my parents' home? and that is consuming more and more of my time.

Next week, I promise to have a more relaxed week and to devote the due care to this blog!

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